Bjork Guðmundsdottir/The Other Bjork

The Mothership Agency/
Non-Union /New York based

(+1)8029230535 /

Hair: Blonde Eyes: Blue Height: 5’10



Reunion, Lead, dir. Ragnar Bragason.

Mud (Short film), Lead, dir. Inga Óskarsdóttir

Mother knows worst (Shortfilm), Lead, dir. Inga Óskarsdóttir


Ordinary People, Co-star, dir. Fannar Sveinsson

Eurovision sketch show(National televison channel), guest star, dir.Vala Kristín Eiríksdóttir

Meikar ekki sens, Co-star, dir. Björk Jakobsdóttir

Kanarí, Co-star, dir. Guðmundur Einar


Out horse your email, guest star, International campaign for Inspired by Iceland

Spying Cats, Face for the advertisement, The Consumers Association of Iceland

Smell of summer, Face for the advertisement, for Icelandic Farmers Association

Ludurinn, The host, The Icelandic Advertisement Awards


Exceptional Improvisation skills, Devising Comedy, Michael Chekov Technique, Grotowski Technique, Physical Theatre, Workshop

leader, Contemporary Dance, Skiing, Yoga, Nordic champion in Ballroom and Latin dances, Clown training, stage coDriving

License, Mask, Basic Horseback Riding, Alt singer, Running, Swimming, Biking, Diving License, Basic Stage Combat Training,


Fluent Icelandic, Fluent English, Basic Danish, Beginner Spanish, Scandinavian Accents, German Accents, Russian Accents.


Girls and Boys by Dennis Kelly (one woman show), Gaflaraleikhúsið, dir. Annalísa Hermannsd, Iceland.

Anatomy of a Suicide, Emma/Jo/Laurra, dir. Marta Nordal, National Theatre

Crocodile Fever, Fiana Devlin, dir. Hjalti Vigfússon, IUA Theatre.

Three Sisters, Olga, Halldóra Geirharðsdóttir, IUA Theatreþ

Requiem for a Woman, SHE, dir. Ursule bartoseviciute, Kablys kulture, Vilnius.

Kæru vinir , Fanndis, dir. Adolf Smári Unnarssson, Tjarnarbio

The Greatest Show in Iceland Starring Björk Guðmundsdóttir, Stefán Ingvar Vigfússon, Tjarnarbio

I‘m a Crab, Björk Guðmundsdóttir, DCM Festival NYC.


The Icelandic University of Arts Bachelors Degree in acting, Iceland

Rafael Bianciotto, Advanced Clown work with Rafael Bianciotto, Iceland

Hera Hilmarsdóttir, Complete Vocal Singing Technique, Iceland

Will Hines, Advanced Improv with Will Hines, Iceland

Erica Fae, Under the Light of the Sun, Grotowski based workshop, Iceland

Upright Citizens Brigade, Improv 101-401, LA and NY

Upright Citizens Brigade, 101-401 Sketch writing, Iceland

Baby Wants Candy, Advanced Musical Improv, Iceland

Anthony Atamanuik, Movie and Character Workshop, Iceland

Intensive Chekov Technique with Magnúsar Jónssonar & Þorsteins Bachmann